November 4, 2019

What is Stat-X Aerosol Composition ?

Stat-X aerosol consists of a gas (30%) and solid particulate (70%) mixture. Mean dimensions of aerosol particulate are in the range of 1-2 µm. The aerosol […]
November 4, 2019


Due to the ultra-fine particle size and the method of generation, the particulate is quite buoyant and suspends in the gas/air mixture within the protected enclosure. […]
November 4, 2019

HI-FOG vs traditional Sprinkler systems

The HI-FOG® system is designed to both suppress and control fire, and its performance has consistently been proven to be better than or equivalent to that […]
November 9, 2019

Summary about Stat-X Aerosol Fire Suppression System

Stat-X aerosol has been tested on a wide range of sensitive materials including real world industrial applications. There have been no reports of any negative effects […]